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R&S®EVSF1000 VHF/UHF Nav/Flight Analyzer
Категория - Анализаторы
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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Efficient flight inspection of terrestrial navigation and communications systemsKey facts
- Precise, reproducible analyses on ILS, VOR and marker beacon ground systems (in line with ICAO Doc 8071 and ICAO Annex 10)
- High measurement rate, at 100 data records/s
- Analysis of air traffic control communications (ATC COM) signals
- High sensitivity for coverage measurements
- Compact, robust design
- Two identical signal processing units for simultaneous localizer and glidepath measurements
Brief description The R&S®EVSF1000 is a signal level and modulation analyzer for installation in flight inspection aircraft. It performs measurements on ILS, VOR and marker beacon ground stations during startup, maintenance and servicing and analyzes ATC COM signals. The instrument’s mechanical and electrical design and high sensitivity make it ideal for state-of-the-art flight inspection. In addition, the R&S®EVSF1000 performs specialized, drone based measurements on terrestrial navigation systems.
Features & Benefits
- Excellent performance for state-of-the-art flight inspection systems
- Level measurements with utmost accuracy
- Outstanding input sensitivity, efficient preselector
- Precision modulation analysis in real time
- Reliable measurement of identifier parameters
- Highly customizable for specific tasks
- Simultaneous analysis of course and clearance signals (R&S®EVSG-K1)
- Detailed analysis of VOR and marker beacon signals (R&S®EVSG-K2, R&S®EVSG-K3)
- Testing of ground based augmentation systems (GBAS/SCAT-I) for satellite navigation (R&S®EVSG-K4, R&S®EVSG-K5)
- ATC COM signal analysis (R&S®EVSG-K6)
- Integrated data recording
- High measurement rate
- RF spectrum analysis (R&S®EVSG-K10)
- AF spectrum analysis (R&S®EVSG-K11)
- I/Q data streaming (R&S®EVSG1-K25)
- Tailored to flight inspection applications
- Integration into flight inspection aircraft (R&S®EVSF1-B4)
- Reliable bridging of short-term interruptions in the on-board power supply
- Compact, robust, lightweight
- Detailed analyses in line with ICAO requirements
- Simple remote control
- Maintenance, repair and service
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